Thursday, September 22, 2016

Mommy Weekend Bloghop

Join {me} in this weeks blog hop!
Mom Approved Weekend Blog Hop.
Meet this weeks Featured Blogger! :)

Space Open for Next Weekend

Some easy to follow rules...
1. Be a subscriber of my blog through - Twitter and/or Facebook
2. Check out at least {3} of the links && come back next week to start again.
3. Check out the Featured Blogger --- Open for next week
4. Add your Blog, Twitter, OR Facebook Link to the list. 

The more we share; the more links we see! :)

This week on Baby-Equals-Life:


Do YOU want to be featured next week? If you would like to be featured; you must follow my blog on Facebook and Twitter. Then you need to comment below with 'I'd like to be featured' && of course, leave me your blog link! That's all I need! From there I will go to your blog and grab what I need to feature you! :) I will add blogs to a list, so if you aren't featured next week - you will be featured in an upcoming week! 

Shopping - with an 11 week old...

Today was my first venture to the mall with Jolene. We have taken her places, but not for me to actually shop. I was smart, fed her right before we left - nope, one hour later she's starving! Man, that drive must have been hard work for her. She's not a screamy baby, unless you make her wait for food. She will let you know she's hungry. Once I fed her, she finally started to fall asleep - but if I stopped moving the stroller, WIDE AWAKE. I literally stood in one spot and moved the stroller back and forth, back and forth. All you veteran mom's are like - 'Yeah, Duh'. I'm a new mom. I don't know this stuff. I also regretted leaving my wrap at home. Next time, it's in the bag. She finally fell asleep and stayed asleep. 

P.S. The pictures are way more entertaining than this story. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

What is a Blog Hop?

If you have never participated in a blog hop before, I recommend reading below! ♥

Here is a Q&A that I found on Blogaholic Social Network on what a blog hop is! :) 

1) What is a blog hop? A blog hop also called a link up is basically a widget, called a linky, that allows bloggers to add their blog to a list. The list can be on multiple sites or may just be on the site of the blogger hosting the hop.

2) What is the purpose of a blog hop? Blog hops allow you to visit other blogs, follow blogs you like, and gain followers.

3) How do I participate? It's easy, just follow the rules the host has left. Sometimes the host asks that you place the blog hop button on your site or in a post, others have no rules. You then add your blog to the list and then visit other blog from the list. When you find blogs you enjoy follow them and leave a comment.

4) Why should I leave a comment? Leaving a comment allows the blogger to know that you are now following them. However, there are a few rules of etiquette:
  • Don't spam bloggers
  • Don't ask bloggers to visit your site and follow you
  • Try to leave a sincere comment. Comment on the post or their blog in general and then let them know you are stopping by from the blog hop. No need to ask them to stop by your blog, if they are participating they already know how it works.

5) How long is a blog hop? Blog hops typically last one day although some may last an entire weekend and specialty blog hops may last a week or more.

6) How many blogs should I visit? As many as you would like. Visiting blogs through blog hops takes time so you may not get to everyone on the list, the great things is most blog hops are weekly events so you can stop back by next week.

7) How do I find blog hops? We have a list of member blog hops here on the community. You can check out our member blog hop list here. Also many bloggers have buttons for blog hops in their sidebars if you see one that catches your eye click on it and usually you will be brought to the site that hosts the hop and you can find out more.

The best way to gain new readers is by actually partaking in the hop; go to blogs - comment {sincerely} on their blogs && let them know that you found them via {name of blog hop} && then leave them your link. Most bloggers will visit you back and check out your blog! :)

Comment && let me know if this helps; If you  have any other questions... ask away! 

Button {Swap}...


I'm new, You're new - Let's be friends.

We can help promote each other's blogs by swapping buttons. You place my button in your sidebar && I will place your button in my sidebar. It's really easy to do. I grabbed the coding from Code it Pretty. Since I am familiar with coding, I was able to just grab the code and go - but the blog gives a full tutorial on how to make a button. It's very helpful.

I've placed my button in my sidebar --------> over there! :)
You can just copy and paste what's inside the box in your sidebar to easily share my button. Once you do this - leave me a comment below with your link. I will come grab your button and will place it in my sidebar.

Let me know if you have any questions.

P.S. You do NOT have to be new to do this!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Game Day DIY Onsie...

Yesterday was opening day. In case you can't tell from the picture, we are die-hard Cowboys fans. Let's not talk about the game. I just wanted to share the adorable outfit I put together for Jolene. 

I actually made this shirt myself [I am extremely proud of myself]. I used a basic onsie that I had from Carter's and an iron on kit from 'Jolee's Easy Boutique Image'. It's actually way easier than I thought it would be. Here's how I did it: 

1. Create Saying using Word || This allows for me to use whatever fonts I would like and position the words in many different ways. 

2. Screen Shot the design || Save. 

3. Open up the Jolee's Easy Image website || Use their creator to print the image (mirrored). 

4. Iron on the Image || Look awesome. 

It's really easy. I can pretty much create anything I want. The quality isn't impeccable and I'm not even sure how long it will hold up in the wash - but it still looks pretty cool && it was perfect for game day! I also created a onsie that says "My heart (an actual heart) belongs to the Dallas Cowboys". 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

{About Me}

Hello There - I'm Josephine. I go by Nykki, because when I was a kid - I hated the name Josephine. Now, I don't mind it at all. I actually wish I went by Jo, or Joey. But it's too late for me.

Maybe that's the real reason I named my first daughter Jolene. I've already planned on calling her Jo - I'll just live vicariously through her {like most parents do}. Although, I've recently started calling her Monkey. We'll let her choose.

I am an elementary teacher - currently a 5th grade teacher. I say currently because I start a new job in a week and half, as a 5th grade teacher. I usually teach 2nd grade. It will be a huge change && to be honest, I don't know if I will like it enough to stay (in 5th grade). Maybe, I will love it. Maybe - I will never go back to the lower grades. I can't tell you now - but I will know soon enough. Either way, I am extremely excited. I love teaching. I love kids.

I'm ending my maternity leave on October 3rd. I've have had three GLORIOUS months at home with my baby girl. I am VERY sad to be going back to work - because I love spending all day with her. I'm lucky that I have a job I love though. It will make it easier. Enough about my job, it's the second most important part of my life. The first - of course is my family.

My Family
I'm married to a wonderful man. We fight - like any other couple but we have been through so much together it's crazy. This November marks our 10th year together. We've been married four. We were engaged for like, ever. He's the perfect man for me. He knows me better than anybody else in this world && I know him. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

&& We happen to have produced the MOST BEAUTIFUL little girl in the world. Yes - I said it. My baby is BETTER than yours. Jolene Madilyn was born on June 25, 2016. She was SIX weeks early because I came down with an extreme case of Pre-Eclampsia. She was doing great, my body was not. We had to have an emergency C-Section. It was the single most terrifying and the single happiest day of my life all at the same time. Your life doesn't begin until you have a baby. I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love her. She is the most amazing thing I have done in my life. I can't wait to watch her grow up.

We are a pet loving family. We have four cats {Dallas, Liza, Cullen, and Bear} && two dogs {Grodi and Bailey}. They are family. They mean the world to us.

I'm excited to share everything I mess up && learn about being a first time mom!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Oh Man, The Nights...

The beginning of the day is by far my favorite time of the day. Jolene wakes up in such a great mood, fully refreshed - But OH, those nights (tell me more, tell me more, like does she go to sleep?) - Sorry I'm kind of a Grease fan.

Anyway - I'm curious as to how other babies do at night, because mine hates nights. She doesn't cry all day. She's a perfect little angel - but when that sun goes down, the devil comes out. Okay, that's a little dramatic. She is a perfect baby, she just gets really fussy at night. I'm thinking it's just because she is really tired from her day... you know, being a baby is hard work - all that growing and stuff.

I've also read about the "witching hour" - where many babies are really tough at night. I just really hate to see her cry. I don't know what is wrong and I just want to fix it. Thankfully, I read the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" - and about the 5 S's (Swaddle, Side or Stomach, Shush, Swing, Suck). This has been a life saver for me at night time. Luckily, she only needs two of the S's - Swing and Side. She actually doesn't need to be swaddled to calm down - she would be happy with the side position - I hold her and place her back on my stomach and face her outwards. She calms down almost immediately. I swaddle her because I'm usually trying to put her to sleep for bedtime.

Who else struggles at night with your babies?