Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Oh Man, The Nights...

The beginning of the day is by far my favorite time of the day. Jolene wakes up in such a great mood, fully refreshed - But OH, those nights (tell me more, tell me more, like does she go to sleep?) - Sorry I'm kind of a Grease fan.

Anyway - I'm curious as to how other babies do at night, because mine hates nights. She doesn't cry all day. She's a perfect little angel - but when that sun goes down, the devil comes out. Okay, that's a little dramatic. She is a perfect baby, she just gets really fussy at night. I'm thinking it's just because she is really tired from her day... you know, being a baby is hard work - all that growing and stuff.

I've also read about the "witching hour" - where many babies are really tough at night. I just really hate to see her cry. I don't know what is wrong and I just want to fix it. Thankfully, I read the book "The Happiest Baby on the Block" - and about the 5 S's (Swaddle, Side or Stomach, Shush, Swing, Suck). This has been a life saver for me at night time. Luckily, she only needs two of the S's - Swing and Side. She actually doesn't need to be swaddled to calm down - she would be happy with the side position - I hold her and place her back on my stomach and face her outwards. She calms down almost immediately. I swaddle her because I'm usually trying to put her to sleep for bedtime.

Who else struggles at night with your babies?

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