Sunday, September 11, 2016

{About Me}

Hello There - I'm Josephine. I go by Nykki, because when I was a kid - I hated the name Josephine. Now, I don't mind it at all. I actually wish I went by Jo, or Joey. But it's too late for me.

Maybe that's the real reason I named my first daughter Jolene. I've already planned on calling her Jo - I'll just live vicariously through her {like most parents do}. Although, I've recently started calling her Monkey. We'll let her choose.

I am an elementary teacher - currently a 5th grade teacher. I say currently because I start a new job in a week and half, as a 5th grade teacher. I usually teach 2nd grade. It will be a huge change && to be honest, I don't know if I will like it enough to stay (in 5th grade). Maybe, I will love it. Maybe - I will never go back to the lower grades. I can't tell you now - but I will know soon enough. Either way, I am extremely excited. I love teaching. I love kids.

I'm ending my maternity leave on October 3rd. I've have had three GLORIOUS months at home with my baby girl. I am VERY sad to be going back to work - because I love spending all day with her. I'm lucky that I have a job I love though. It will make it easier. Enough about my job, it's the second most important part of my life. The first - of course is my family.

My Family
I'm married to a wonderful man. We fight - like any other couple but we have been through so much together it's crazy. This November marks our 10th year together. We've been married four. We were engaged for like, ever. He's the perfect man for me. He knows me better than anybody else in this world && I know him. I couldn't imagine my life without him.

&& We happen to have produced the MOST BEAUTIFUL little girl in the world. Yes - I said it. My baby is BETTER than yours. Jolene Madilyn was born on June 25, 2016. She was SIX weeks early because I came down with an extreme case of Pre-Eclampsia. She was doing great, my body was not. We had to have an emergency C-Section. It was the single most terrifying and the single happiest day of my life all at the same time. Your life doesn't begin until you have a baby. I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love her. She is the most amazing thing I have done in my life. I can't wait to watch her grow up.

We are a pet loving family. We have four cats {Dallas, Liza, Cullen, and Bear} && two dogs {Grodi and Bailey}. They are family. They mean the world to us.

I'm excited to share everything I mess up && learn about being a first time mom!

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